Monday, 30 March 2009

Lets go for a walk

We're all ready to go, just waiting for daddy.

Poppy now wants to go back. This is a good 'Poppy on strike' pose. Little A is doing very well holding Poppy back!

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Animal Behaviour

What is going on here?

Hint: the sheepskin bed, Poppy is sitting on, is Gilly's.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

The Morning Run

The morning run consists of walking to the allotment and letting the chooks out. Daisy is always first out.

Then, if I'm lucky, I get to lick the chook pot clean. There are usually some lovely scraps in there.

Robbie Robin also gets something that is supposed to go to the chooks: mealworms.