Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Visit to the Vet

I didn't like the vet this morning, so I let him know! Anyway, I am very happy now, as I have sparkling teeth again. My aunties have also been told to buy allsorts of goodies for me that will help keep my teeth clean - but they are not coming anywhere near me with toothbrushes!

I am still feeling a bit groggy, can you see? But I'll be fine by the time we go fox spotting, I mean walking.

Monday, 26 May 2008

May Bank Holiday Weather

There were heavy downpours over the weekend. The canals struggled and produced wonderful waterfalls.

I don't like walking in the rain! Whilst auntie S admires the waterfalls I try to cover my head under this beam. There were a couple of swans across the canal. Looks like they don't like the rain either, because they were busy licking themselfves clean.